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--Change pre-defined custom object names

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 10:58 am
by Development@SIB

This article is outdated - please use our new system at

ProjX has some requirements for the Session LCO. The application assumes that an object with the name workScreenAccess is present. There's another object with the name helpStore.

If you don't configure your Session LCO correctly, your Application will throw Exceptions and won't work as expected.

Your Session LCO should contain a method with the name

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Sometimes you won't or can't use the predefined object names. It that's the case, it's possible to change pre-defined object names:

Simply add following annotation to your preferred method:

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@Replacement(name = "workScreenAccess")
public IWorkScreenAccess getCustomWSAccess()

The predefined object names are:

  • workScreenAccess
  • helpStore
  • translator