With our preserveOnRefresh option, it's possible to open the same application in different tabs - with same state and UI.
If you want a different UI in different tabs, it means that you need a new session. The problem is not the session, it's the UI instance. Vaadin is able to cache multiple UIs in one session.
If you want to show one window in a new tab and only this window, you'll need a new UI instance because the same UI has the same appearance. You can't use one UI and have a different appearance in different tabs.
Your requirement can be implemented, but this means that you have 2 different UIs - like 2 different logins. This will create a new db connection per UI.
To show different work-screens or the same work-screen multiple times, is possible - as internal frames/windows. If you switch your application to legacy mode, it will show frames....
Examples (search for legacy):
https://blog.sibvisions.com/2015/10/21/ ... -anywhere/,
https://blog.sibvisions.com/2014/09/17/ ... nt-styles/But, it's not possible to show the same application instance with different windows in different tabs. A vaadin application runs on server-side and the browser is the display.
There's a difference between a website and a Single Page Application. Linking is possible but means a new UI for every tab....