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Invalid configuration file config.xml

General questions regarding the development with JVx.

Invalid configuration file config.xml

Postby ciprianb » Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:00 pm

Hello everybody,
I've been tried to test demos showcase and jvxfirstapp but I get the folowing error:
"Invalid configuration file: ...\WEB-INF\rad\apps\firstapp\config.xml"
(see pictures attached)
I'm using WildFly-8.2.0
Java JRE-1.8.0_40

Same error when I try to run in Eclipse:
(Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" : Invalid configuration file: ......\jvxfirstapp-1.4\rad\apps\firstapp\config.xml)

Please help.

Thank you.
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Re: Invalid configuration file config.xml

Postby Support@SIB » Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:29 pm

Wildfly has some special features.

If you expose the war or configure Wildfly to expose war files automatically, it should work out-of-the-box.

But there are also different options to deploy a jvx application:

2) put rad directory to jvx_rad.jar
3) config loading via classpath


Use: java:/comp/env/jvx/<applicationname>/config
Possible values: file-name (String), resource-name (String), XML content (String), InputStream, IVirtualZone


(Possible if you integrate jar creation in your deployment process)

Simply create a jar archive with rad directory (and all sub directories, files). Put the file to the lib directory.
AND enable classpath option via system property:

config loading via classpath

Put your config.xml to your classpath (server source folder):

Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all

for server.xml (server zone) it's a different name:

Code: Select all
Code: Select all

All options are supported, but it depends on your needs and what you prefer.
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