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customizing the login interface

General questions regarding the development with ProjX.

customizing the login interface

Postby user2017 » Fri May 05, 2017 10:19 am

Hi. I would like to customize the login procedure.

On the server side this has worked well by implementing ISecurityManager as described in

Now, on the client side I would like to change the appearance and behavior of the login screen (In more particular, to be able to have a drop-down list for the user login).

How can I tell the JVX Application to replace the login screen by a popup window that I am implementing myself? Is there an interface class and a configuration option like for the security manager? Any suggestions?

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Re: customizing the login interface

Postby manfrede » Fri May 05, 2017 10:43 am

Are you using ProjX? There is a parameter called Application.Login.classname which takes the classname of your own Component. You just have to make sure to implement the ILogin interface.
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Re: customizing the login interface

Postby Support@SIB » Fri May 05, 2017 10:58 am

An example, based on ProjX: Customize the login dialog

If you don't use ProjX, simply override:

Code: Select all
protected Login createLogin()

in your application. The source code of base Application
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