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How to tableview multselect

General questions regarding the development with JavaFX UI for JVx.

Re: How to tableview multselect

Postby Support@SIB » Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:21 am

What exactly doesn't work?

We don't answer general JavaFX questions, not related to JVx here.

The UIInternalFrame is a JavaFX node and nothing very special, so what do you think should work and what doesn't?


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Re: How to tableview multselect

Postby rzenz » Wed Nov 29, 2017 11:19 am

Okay, before I dive head first into your code, I have a completely different question which we should get out of the way first: Why are you using the UI wrapper classes at all?

From what I can gather you do not seem to be interested in neither the model JVx provides nor the multi-platform capabilities, so why use the UI layer at all? If you want to use the JavaFX MDI solution which we've created, you can simply use the JFXtensions library and remain in pure JavaFX without the need to have a dependency upon JVx.

On another note, your example works flawlessly for me.
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Re: How to tableview multselect

Postby rzenz » Tue Dec 05, 2017 10:01 am

I can only reiterate my previous posting:

  1. Why are you using the UI classes at all when all you want is JavaFX (and therefor the JFXtensions library)?
  2. Your example works for me. So either it is something on your system or, which is much more likely, something in the code surrounding the code you posted.

I'm not sure what else to tell you.
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Re: How to tableview multselect

Postby rzenz » Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:59 pm

I still see myself unable to reproduce this on my end. Could you please package up a complete project with this issue and upload it somewhere so that I can actually have a look at everything that is going on?
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