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How to migrate my apps from to a new VisionX version

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How to migrate my apps from to a new VisionX version

Postby reversedr » Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:36 pm


Would like to know what are the steps to migrate my apps from visionx to a new visionX version?

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Re: How to migrate my apps from to a new VisionX version

Postby Support@SIB » Thu May 02, 2019 2:32 pm

The easiest procedure is: Full Export from VisionX A and import in VisionX B.

It's also possible to copy the application directory, e.g. if you use an external database. Simply copy the app directory from VisionX A to VisionX B. The application is located in <VisionX>/rad/apps/<appname>

If you're a software developer, it's also possible to use external application folders. An external application folder is better for SCM.
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Re: How to migrate my apps from to a new VisionX version

Postby reversedr » Fri May 03, 2019 10:11 am


I tryed the

"Full Export from VisionX A and import in VisionX B." and the " copy the app directory"

but for some applications it says in visionx "Application is not up-to-date!"

I added a screenshot with the Application Information Errors

Any way to fix it ?

Thank You
visionx_app_err.JPG (175.13 KiB) Viewed 12731 times
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Re: How to migrate my apps from to a new VisionX version

Postby Support@SIB » Fri May 03, 2019 10:58 am

VisionX tries to update the jar files on startup or after Import. What happens if you restart VisionX?

It's also possible that the jar update fails because your application contains custom code which isn't compatible with new APIs. This can but shouldn't happen because we try to be backwards compatible as good as possible.

You could check if the work directory in your application contains a .recompile file.
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