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The problem with running the applet in eclipse

General questions regarding the development with JVx.

The problem with running the applet in eclipse

Postby snutka » Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:52 pm

I have a problem running JApplet. The application has a Main method in the library jvx. The application also has an applet in the library. I can not run the application as an applet in eclipse.
How to properly configure the environment in eclipse to run the applet?
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Re: The problem with running the applet in eclipse

Postby Support@SIB » Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:21 pm

You can use JVx classes with your JApplet - should be no problem. But if you use JVx to develop an application, you don't use JApplet directly.

You creeate an Application and decide later which launcher you use. Normally you use a SwingApplication to start the application with Eclipse. But of course, if you want to test the SwingApplet launcher (in browsers) you need some more configuration because you need an application server (standalone or embedded). Normally you have to create one or more jar achives for your application (you can use our showcase.war as example), but the problem is that you have to deploy before you can test your application.

A dynamic solution is to use a live codebase and run your application server via Eclipse WTP.

Give us more details about how you use JVx.
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